Frequently Asked Questions

SmartPrice is a price comparison platform which enables users to easily compare prices for the same product from various online retailers. We are 100% impartial, all shops have an equal opportunity to display their offer in the top position – simply by providing the best price.
Purchasing products directly from SmartPrice is not possible since we are not an online retailer. You may order products and services from the shops listed on our platform.
Yes, SmartPrice is a free service for consumers.
We sync prices from our Partner Stores several times a day, but there may be instances where prices do not match. This happens when the store has updated their prices and the SmartPrice platform is yet to sync their updated pricing.
Consumers can write to the Consumer Goods And Services Ombud or call them 0860 000 272 should a dispute arise with a shop.
You will have to contact the store you made the purchase from.
Online retailers can apply to list their stores on SmartPrice by completing our Merchant Sign Up form.